2024-2025 GRANTS CYCLE
The deadline to complete a Letter of Intent (LOI) for this research cycle is December 15, 2024. Click HERE for a link to the LOI.
- Prospective applicants should click the link and then follow the instructions to either create a new account or log in.
- Prospective applicants will be routed directly to the LOI for PSC Partners & PSC Partners Canada Research Seed Grants.
- Make sure to press the SAVE button as you work on the LOI. The site does not auto-save.
- Questions about the program? Email grants@pscpartners.org.
- Questions about technical issues with ProposalCentral? Email pcsupport@altum.com
See all key application dates below.
If you have any questions, contact grants@pscpartners.org.

PSC Partners and affiliate PSC Partners Canada award annual grants that drive research to identify treatments and a cure. Past studies have addressed an important and novel, basic, or clinical research question related to PSC and closely associated diseases (such as inflammatory bowel diseases and cholangiocarcinoma). Our Research Grants Program seeks to encourage investigators to conduct research in promising new areas, with the goal that data generated will lead to further seed funding from additional sources.
PSC Partners awards two types of research grants:
- Research Seed Grant: Funding is limited to $37,500 per year for two years ($75,000 total)
- Young Investigator Award: Funding is limited to $50,000 per year for two years ($100,000 total)
September 16, 2024: Letter of Intent (LOI) Opens
December 15, 2024: Deadline to Submit LOI Form
January 15, 2025: Deadline to Submit Formal Grant Application
February & March 2025: Applications Reviewed By Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC), Board of Directors, and PSC Partners Staff
April 2025: Grant Awardees Announced

To qualify for a Research Seed Grant, the primary investigator must:
- have an advanced terminal degree (e.g. MD, PhD, or international equivalents) prior to the start of the grant period
- be a researcher with preclinical (e.g. animal models, human tissue, organoids) and/or clinical (interventional, non-interventional, social sciences, etc.) expertise
- be affiliated with an academic medical institution, research institution, or nonprofit/community-based organization
To qualify for the Young Investigator Award, the primary investigator must:
- be in training or within five years of their last training position (e.g. residency, fellowship, post-doctoral fellowship) or degree (e.g. MD, PhD)
- have completed an advanced terminal degree prior to the start of the grant period
- be affiliated with an academic medical institution, research institution, or nonprofit/community-based organization
- have a mentor or be willing to work with one if needed for the project
All prospective applicants must submit the Letter of Intent Form.
- Upon submission, please allow five business days for a response from the PSC Partners team.
- If eligibility is determined, detailed application instructions will be provided to the applicant directly.
To request accommodations or inquire about this year’s grants process, please contact grants@pscpartners.org.
Complete your profile and join PSC Partners Seeking a Cure in advancing PSC research towards a cure. Find information about clinical trials.