About Us: Established in 2015 by three PSC caregivers living in Canada, PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada is the Canadian affiliate of PSC Partners Seeking a Cure. PSC Partners Canada and PSC Partners Seeking a Cure share a joint mission.
Donations: If you are a Canadian taxpayer, you may wish to donate through PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada. PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada is a registered Canadian Charity and can issue official tax receipts for donations.
Conference Sponsorships: If you are a Canadian taxpayer and are interested in becoming a sponsor of the annual PSC Partners patient conference in the U.S., please contact us by email at contactus@pscpartners.ca or at (647) 848-6953.
Website: Please visit the PSCP Canada website to join our mailing list, learn more about us, and find Canada-specific information for PSC patients and caregivers.
Social Media: On Facebook at @PSC Partners Seeking A Cure Canada and Twitter @PSCPartnersCa.
Community: We host informal meetups approximately once a year in Canada. Follow us on social media and join the mailing list to stay informed of upcoming events.
Contact Us: PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada - 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5S2R4 Canada Email: contactus@pscpartners.ca
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