Consider leaving a legacy in the search for a cure. A legacy gift, also known as a bequest, shows your belief in the mission of PSC Partners and your desire to accomplish something special in the lives of those impacted by PSC. Planned and legacy gifts are incredibly important to the future of PSC Partners – charitable bequests of any amount help ensure the sustainability of our organization and programs well into the future.
Your bequest can be made by naming PSC Partners Seeking a Cure as a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.
Please consult with your estate attorney or financial advisor to determine if a planned gift is right for you. Your professional advisor can help you explore the possibilities and identify ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of an estate gift.
We ask anybody who has named, or is planning to name, PSC Partners in their bequest to let us know. Please email Contactus@pscpartners.org, or call 303-771-5227 to inform of us of your planned giving intentions.
What is a bequest?
Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a will or trust. Anyone can make a bequest in any amount to a charity. Bequests provide tremendous tax benefits, because they are deductible from an individual’s estate. Bequest intentions may be included at the time a new will is drawn, or added to an existing will through a simple codicil.
Bequest gifts can include cash, securities, real estate, or personal property. A donor may designate a specific amount, a percentage of the value of the estate, or the residue of the estate (the remaining value of the estate after all other disbursements are made). Also, a charitable donation through your estate may reduce estate taxes.
Life Insurance
Donors can make a transformational gift by naming PSC Partners as the owner or beneficiary in their life insurance policy. The donor can receive an income tax deduction for the value of the policy.
Retirement Plan
You can name a charity as beneficiary of all or a percentage of your IRA. This can bring a variety of benefits, including: After your death, the charity can withdraw assets from the retirement account income tax free since charities are tax-exempt entities. Learn more about IRAs and retirement planning by clicking here.
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