PSC Partners Seeking a Cure is celebrating Liver Awareness Month by launching the second annual PSC Awareness Week today, October 23rd. It is fitting to wrap up Liver Awareness month with a unified voice and call to action from all of us affected by PSC.
PSC Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity to come together and spread awareness of our collective fight to those who may not be familiar with PSC or our community. Awareness Week also provides an excellent platform to engage our personal circles of family, friends and co-workers.
Last year’s Awareness Week was an amazing success. Previously silent community members came out of the shadows and began sharing the ordeals and joys of their PSC journeys. I am confident that thousands of impactful conversations occurred. In addition, social media activity soared; spirits and hopes were lifted with the healing reminder that we are not alone.
We are a community of patients, families and friends who understands that awareness engenders support, which in turn will lead to promising research into better treatments and a cure for PSC.
Awareness Week is upon us, so I encourage you to actively participate, and lend your voice to this meaningful campaign. We hope that this year’s Awareness Week will bring about even more understanding and conversations about PSC than last year.
The PSC Awareness Week logo that PSC Partners will use during the campaign is included below. I welcome and encourage everyone to use it as well.
We are truly together in this fight, whatever it takes. Please add your voice to Awareness Week to increase interest, support and visibility of PSC and our collective mission toward a cure.