Every year, on the recommendation of the Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors, PSC Partners Seeking a Cure chooses the most promising research projects to support.
We are thrilled to announce that in 2016, PSC Partners will fund six research projects and one PSC educational project. PSC Partners received a record number of grant applications this year, from leading PSC institutions worldwide. The projects that have been selected for funding are listed below. In the coming weeks, lay summaries will be made available for each project.
We thank all of our donors throughout the years who have supported our mission of raising funds to research causes, treatments and cures for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Your contributions have made these awards possible!
6 research proposals were chosen for funding:
Macrophages in the Development of Sclerosing Cholangitis: Therapeutic Implications
Maria Eugenia Guicciardi, PhD, Mayo Clinic
Functional microbial biomarkers in primary sclerosing cholangitis
Johannes R. Hov, MD, PhD, Norwegian PSC Research Center
Mutational Profiling for Therapeutic Targets in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis-Associated Biliary Tract Cancer
Tom Hemming Karlsen, MD, PhD, Norwegian PSC Research Center
The Enterohepatic Metabolome in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Steven P. O’Hara, PhD, Mayo Clinic
(First Year Funded by PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada)
Upregulation of biliary epithelia innate immune responses in PSC
Mario Strazzabosco, MD, PhD, Yale University
Development and validation of a patient-derived, disease specific, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) tool for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
Douglas Thorburn, MD, Royal Free Hospital
1 PSC educational project was chosen for funding:
Patient education in PSC; Development of a 3D-animation
Cyriel Y. Ponsioen, MD, PhD, University of Amsterdam