PSC and PBC Patient Meeting Held at University of California Davis
On January 21, an informational meeting for PSC and PBC patients was held at the University of California Davis. This patient meeting was hosted by Dr. Christopher Bowlus, and focused on the basics of PSC and PBC, as well as current treatment options and clinical trials available for both conditions. Dr. Bowlus specializes in researching and treating autoimmune liver diseases, with a particular emphasis on PSC, PBC, and AIH. He is co-chair of PSC Partners’ Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee, and scientific head of PSC Partners’ Patient Registry. The slides from Dr. Bowlus’s presentation are available here.
PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis) and PBC (primary biliary cholangitis) share certain similar characteristics and symptoms, but require different treatment and monitoring. To learn more about the similarities and differences between PSC and PBC, click here.