Working together to provide research, education,
and support for people affected by Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
April 25-27, 2014
In conjunction with the University of Colorado Hospital
at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO
Click to view the conference agenda
Thank you to Drs. Greg Everson and Lisa Forman and their colleagues for providing the excellent speakers who have broadened our perspectives and understanding of PSC. Our thanks to the University of Colorado Hospital, our 2014 conference Platinum Sponsor and ITW our Diamond Sponsor. We are also indebted to all our conference sponsors:
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold level sponsors
John and Chris Browner Family
Abe and Rachel Gomel
The Grover Family Foundation - Deborah Grover Wente
Axel and Karyn Rasmussen
Don and Ricky Safer
Ken and Patty Shepherd
Silver level sponsors
Ruth and Doron Blatt
Jason and Jennifer Drasner
Steve and Joanne Hatchett
Fred Sabernick
Bronze level sponsors
Jeff and Reggie Belmont
Aubrey Goldstein and Caroline Vanneste
Peter and Helena Holmgren
Allan and Karen Luks
Brett and Becky Narlinger
The Pearlman Family
Thanks also to our In-kind Conference Sponsors:
Apothecary Products, Inc.
Deep River Snacks
David and Roz Parry
Soothing Scents
Visit DenverJeff and Reggie Belmont
Donate Life

We also thank all the members of our community who have generously donated their time and funds to the PSC Partners Seeking a Cure foundation.
PSC Partners Seeking a Cure is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit foundation that endeavors to find a cure for primary sclerosing cholangitis. For more information about PSC Partners Seeking a Cure, go to www.pscpartners.org and click on “Join our Mailing List” button to receive news and information.
Photograph acknowledgements to Karen Pearlman, (K Pearlman Photography), unless otherwise stated. A slide show of conference photographs by K Pearlman Photography is available here.
Additional conference photographs by Kelly J. Shepherd Photography are available here.
Note to Readers:
PSC Partners does not provide specific medical advice, is not engaged in providing medical or professional services and does not endorse any medical or professional service obtained through information provided in this presentation. Use of this presentation does not replace medical consultations with a qualified health or medical professional to meet the health and medical needs of you or a loved one.
Thursday, April 24
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Casual Get Together - GARCIA'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT
FRIDAY April 25
Pre-conference Brunch Trip - RED ROCKS PARK
Dinner Reception and Entertainment
Buffet Breakfast
General Sessions (Morning/Afternoon)
(click title to see presentation if available, click the for an audio recording. Note that due to the size of some presentation and/or audio files they may take considerable time to download before opening)
Click here to see detailed speaker bios
Hugo P. Rosen, MD, FACP, Moderator
Professor of Medicine and Immunology, University of Colorado Hospital -
[Copyright Greg Everson, all rights reserved, 4139 KB].
Greg Everson, MD, 2014 Conference Medical Chair, Director of Hepatology Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Colorado Hospital -
[Copyright Raj Shah, all rights reserved, 2869 KB].
Raj. J. Shah, MD, FASGE, AGAF, Associate Professor of Medicine, Director, Pancreaticobiliary Endoscopy Services, Medical Co-Director, Digestive Health Center, University of Colorado Hospital -
[Copyright Michael Wachs, all rights reserved, 20103 KB].
Michael Wachs, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Transplant Surgery, University of Colorado Denver -
Questions and Answers Panel: Drs. Everson, Shah and Wachs
Greg Everson, MD, Moderator
2014 Conference Medical Chair, Director of Hepatology Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Colorado Hospital -
Presentation 4: "Radiological Imaging - CT and MRI in PSC"
Paul D. Russ, MD, FACR, Professor, University of Colorado, School of Medicine
[Copyright Tom Hemming Karlsen, all rights reserved, 9425 KB]
Tom Hemming Karlsen, MD, PhD in Genetics, Professor of Gastroenterology, Norwegian PSC Research Center, Clinic for Specialized Medicine and Surgery, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway -
[Copyright Rob Knight, all rights reserved, 83012 KB]
Rob Knight, PhD, Professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Biofrontiers Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder -
Questions and Answers Panel: Drs. Russ, Karlsen and Knight
Breakout Sessions:
"Living Donor Transplantation (LDLT) for PSC"
Igal Kam, MD, Chief of Transplant Surgery, Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine
"Norwegian Studies Measuring Disease Activity in PSC"
Tom Hemming Karlsen, MD, MD, PhD in Genetics, Professor of Gastroenterology, Norwegian PSC Research Center, Clinic for Specialized Medicine and Surgery, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
[Copyright Michael Narkewicz, all rights reserved, 610 KB]
Michael Narkewicz, Hewit Andrews Chair in Pediatric Liver Disease, Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs -
[Copyright Tom Purcell, all rights reserved, 3280 KB]
Tom Purcell, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Oncology, University of Colorado Denver, Associate Director, Clinical Services, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services, University of Colorado, Director, Oncology Service Line, UC Health -
"Bone Health in PSC"
Micol S. Rothman, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Radiology, Clinical Director Metabolic Bone Program, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University of Colorado Denver
"How to Participate in a Clinical Trial"
Jennifer Desanto, RN, Nurse Coordinator, University of Colorado Denver
Michael Cookson, Hally Isberg, Nick Pisciotta, Clinical Research Coordinators, Hepatology Research, University of Colorado Denver -
"Teens: Every Question is Fair Game"
Cara Mack, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Director of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellowship Training Program, Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital Colorado
"Panel of PSCers: Interactive Question and Answer Session"
Fred Sabernick, Post-Transplant PSCer, PSC Partners Board of Directors - Panel Moderator
Tim Wholey, Britt Moore, Laura Bradbury, Rick Seifert - Panelists. -
[Copyright Lisa Forman, all rights reserved, 9560 KB]
Lisa Forman, MD, MSCE Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Hepatology, University of Colorado Denver -
"Further Discussion of the Human Microbiome"
Rob Knight, PhD, Professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Biofrontiers Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tom Hemming Karlsen, MD, PhD in Genetics, Professor of Gastroenterology, Norwegian PSC Research Center, Clinic for Specialized Medicine and Surgery, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway -
[Copyright Cara Mack, all rights reserved, 758 KB]
Cara Mack, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Director of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellowship Training Program, Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital Colorado -
[Copyright Mark Gerich and Jon Vogel, all rights reserved, 960 KB]
Mark Gerich, MD, MBA, University of Colorado Hospital Crohn's and Colitis Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Colorado Denver -
Jon Vogel, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery, Section Head Colorectal Surgery Program, University of Colorado Denver
[Copyright all rights reserved, 807 KB]
James R. Burton, Jr, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical Director of Liver Transplantation, Program Director of Transplant Hepatology Fellowship, University of Colorado Denver -
[Copyright all rights reserved, 271 KB]
Stephen R. Freeman, MD, FACP, FACG, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Universtiy of Colorado Denver -
[Copyright all rights reserved, 439 KB]
Cami Tynan, MS, RD, CNSC, Clinical Dietitian, Transplant Nutrition Specialist, University
of Colorado Hospital -
"Panel - Planning for Transplant: Discussion of Social, Medical and Financial Issues"
Cathy Ray, BSN, MA, Panel Moderator, Lead Case Manager in Hepatology, University of Colorado Hospital, Jennifer Mays, Transplant Financial Case Coordinator, University of Colorado Hospital, Jenny Sanderson, LSW Liver Transplant Social Worker, University of Colorado Hospital
"Teen Panel: Living Large with PSC" (special session for teens)
Dan Feuerstein, Young Adult Transplant Recipient
Panelist: Sam Wente -
[Copyright all rights reserved, 11152 KB]
Lisa Forman, MD, MSCE, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver -
[Copyright all rights reserved 1988 KB]
James R. Burton, Jr, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical Director of Liver Transplantation, Program Director of Transplant Hepatology Fellowship, University of Colorado Denver -
"Exciting Research in PSC and IBD at University of Colorado, Denver"
"Research Projects in IBD" [Copyright all rights reserved, 2768 KB]
Blair Fennimore, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Colorado Hospital"Measuring the Function of Your Liver" [Copyright all rights reserved, 144 KB]
Steve Helmke, PhD, Research Instructor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Colorado School of Medicine -
"Panel - Transition: A Process from Pediatric to Adult Care of PSC"
Shihka Sundaram, MD, MSCI, Panel Moderator, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Hospital, Jenny Sanderson, LSW Liver Transplant Social Worker, University of Colorado Hospital, Catherine Clark, MS, RN, BSN, CNS, Liver and Intestine Transplant Coordinator, Children's Hospital Colorado
[Copyright all rights reserved 96 KB]
Mike Pearlman, JD, Parent Caregiver, Panel Moderator
Panelists: Monica Crowley, Richard Heys, Sofia Holmgren, Patricia Stolzfus -
[Copyright all rights reserved 1207 KB]
Jeremy Burke, DM, ALHC, Learning Consultant Aetna Disability Benefits -
"Panel - How to Navigate the Health Care System"
Tracy Steinberg, RN, MS, CNS, CCTC, Panel Moderator, Lead Transplant Coordinator, University of Colorado Hospital, Cathy Ray, BSN, MA, Lead Case Manager in Hepatology, University of Colorado Hospital, Annette McCoy, RN, BSN, CPN, Hepatology Nurse, Children's Hospital Colorado
Western Theme Banquet Dinner
SUNDAY April 27
Continental Breakfast
- General Session
- Announcements
- PSC Partners Treasurer's Report
- Foundation Updates
- Breakout sessions:
- Teen PSCers
- Female PSCers in their 20s/30s
- Male PSCers in their 20s/30s
- Female PSCers
- Male PSCers
- Post-Transplant PSCers
- Parents of Pediatric PSCers (17 and under)
- Parents of Young Adult PSCers (18-25 years old)
- Parents of Adult PSCers (26 and up)
- Spouses/Caregivers of PSCers
- Siblings & Other Caregivers of PSCers
- Caregivers Coping with Loss & Carrying on the Spirit
Group Session Feedback Presentations
Closing Remarks - Ricky Safer, PSC Partners Seeking a Cure
April 24-26, 2015 : Dallas TX
HULK and TIRA want to see everyone at the PSC Partners 11th Annual Conference next year!

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