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Inspired by the Call of Our Community!

A PSC Partners-Sponsored Study to Accelerate Drug Development for PSC

WHAT Do I Need To Know About WIND-PSC As A Patient Or Caregiver? 

Please read our WIND-PSC overview document for patients and caregivers to learn more. 

To review definitions of natural history data, registries, databases, and studies:

WHAT Is The WIND-PSC Initiative?

In 2022, PSC Partners unveiled the WIND-PSC initiative, a PSC Partners-led and sponsored initiative. WIND-PSC was inspired by the call of our community to identify new treatment options for PSC and address unmet medical needs of PSC patients. Through the 2020 Our Voices survey, PSC Partners asked patients to choose the most important outcome, beyond a cure, to come from the development of new medications. More than 70% of PSC patients said that the most important area of focus is the development of  treatments to slow the progression of their PSC. With multi-stakeholder support and participation in the WIND-PSC initiative, PSC Partners aims to  accelerate drug development for PSC, taking vital steps to solving this core, patient-identified need. Currently, there are no regulatory-approved therapies for PSC and the development of new treatments remains challenging. WIND-PSC has been developed to generate key data to remove barriers and accelerate the development of new treatments.

The WIND-PSC study has been under development since 2022 and was launched in 2024. As of September 2024, the WIND-PSC Study, a Global Prospective Cohort to Support the Development of New Treatments for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, is active at four study sites in North America. As new study sites are added to WIND-PSC, they will be listed on the study record identifier: NCT06297993

The WIND-PSC is creating a database and biorepository to serve as a central location where PSC clinical data and patient-reported symptom experiences from a large prospective cohort of people with PSC can be utilized by the broad PSC research community.



Primary Objective: Develop an appropriate real-world data comparator cohort to support the design, execution, and serve as an external control for interventional clinical trials in PSC.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Develop a large clinical and biomarker data set to identify individual and/or composite surrogate endpoints likely to predict clinical benefit for use in the design of interventional studies in PSC.
  • Evaluate patient reported symptoms, quality of life (QoL), and other direct patient experiences with standardized tools to determine changes over time, the association with clinical events, biomarkers and disease progression, and confirm the psychometric properties of the PRO measures.

WHY Did PSC Partners Develop the WIND-PSC Initiative?

PSC Partners is expanding its approach to research funding. In addition to the annual call for proposals and grant funding, the organization has launched the International Collaborative Research Network (ICRNetwork) and has developed a strategic research plan (SRP). In the development of the SRP, the PSC Partners Board of Directors and staff identified the WIND-PSC initiative as a clear priority towards finding treatments for PSC. Together with the support of both PSC Partners and PSC Partners Canada, the launch of the WIND-PSC initiative is community-funded. 

Why was this project prioritized? 

  • PSC patients’ lived experience, without effective treatment, is important evidence of the natural course of PSC progression.
  • At some future date, when a treatment for PSC is approved, there may be a need for a post-marketing surveillance trial. Such a trial will require a control arm of PSC patients receiving a placebo and not the new treatment. Through the WIND-PSC initiative, there is a possibility for patients from this WIND-PSC cohort to replace part or all of the control arm. This is called an external control arm.
  • Why now? A number of therapeutics are in clinical trials for PSC, making now the best time to begin collecting data to serve as an external control arm.
  • Why us? Read on!

WHICH Problems Will PSC Partners Aim To Solve For The PSC Community?

PROBLEM: Existing natural history data are segmented and difficult to share.

SOLUTION: PSC Partners will work tirelessly to build collaborations and bring data together.

  • Our PSC patient data is precious, and we simply can’t afford to let it sit on the sidelines at individual institutions. Each data point represents a patient’s life and experience, and we hope they each will be used to the greatest extent possible to pursue new treatments for PSC.
  • As a neutral third party, PSC Partners is able to work with researchers and their institutions to join data together. 
  • In particular, as sponsors and stewards of the WIND-PSC data, PSC Partners and the multi-stakeholder steering committee will enable participating sites to share data in a centralized PSC Partners database to be used for future research. 
  • PSC Partners is working with Arbor Research to serve as the data coordinating center and will organize a panel of experts and PSC community members to review and approve data requests. This process will ensure that data is deidentified and shared safely and anonymously.

PROBLEM: Resources are limited, which impedes our ability to recruit patients and collect data.

SOLUTION: PSC Partners, with the support of the PSC community, will invest funding to support research sites and ensure rigorous data collection.

  • Across the world, dozens of research institutions have already begun collecting PSC natural history data. Excitingly, these have led to multiple publications and increased our understanding of PSC.
  • At the same time, researchers at these sites struggle with limited funding and support of experienced personnel to extract and manage the data. 
  • Through the committed $4 million U.S. dollars in community funding, PSC Partners will support our academic partners to bolster their ability to collect, extract, and share the highest quality data into the PSC Partners database.

PROBLEM: Researchers share core values, but creating a unified effort has been a challenge.

SOLUTION: PSC Partners, will serve as an advocate and representative for PSC patients as a neutral third party, uniquely motivated to create a unified effort.

  • With so many important areas of ongoing research, dozens of researchers are studying the natural history of PSC. Some natural history registries focus on understanding untreated PSC, some on the relationship between PSC and IBD, and others aim to understand the effects of PSC on quality of life.
  • While these seem very different, the registries often collect the same data, which can be united to better answer individual questions and address additional PSC patient needs. 
  • With so much going on at individual sites, legal challenges, and limited resources, researchers have struggled to unify data sources and create a shared database. 
  • PSC Partners, as a neutral third party, in conjunction with representatives from the PSC patient community, will lead the effort to distribute data within the centralized database and ensure PSC patient needs are heard and addressed.

WHO Is Involved In WIND-PSC? WHERE Can I Join?

WIND-PSC is the inaugural project of the PSC Partners International Collaborative Research Network (ICRNetwork). The success of WIND-PSC relies on support from patients, caregivers, clinicians, and researchers. 

In order to support drug development, PSC Partners is in the process of establishing formal partnerships with up to 20 academic researchers and institutions, and we will keep the community up to date on which sites are ready to enroll patients into the WIND-PSC cohort. Please see study listing here

It is important to know that the goals of WIND-PSC can be accomplished through enrolling a few thousand dedicated PSC patients who are willing and able to follow-up regularly at dedicated research centers. It’s possible that, given the limited budget, geographical considerations, and numbers of patients and research centers needed to accomplish these goals, not all interested PSC patients will be able to join this initial cohort.  

At PSC Partners, we value every PSC patient's voice and experience and are so inspired by the dedication of our patient community and the interest that many have already shown in joining this effort. Regardless of participation in the WIND-PSC cohort, we encourage all patients to join the PSC Partners Patient Registry, where their participation will contribute priceless input and support to the WIND-PSC project and to other PSC research studies. Through the Registry, PSC Partners may connect PSC patients to ongoing natural history registries, research studies, and clinical trials for PSC. 

Ultimately, PSC Partners hopes that patient participation in the PSC Partners Patient Registry, combined with the current focus of launching this mighty WIND-PSC cohort, will provide a strong foundation for the efforts to expand and enroll all interested patients into observational cohorts in the future.

WHEN Will The WIND-PSC Cohort Begin Recruiting? When Will It End?

PSC Partners is pursuing an aggressive timeline to accomplish the goals of WIND-PSC. While the dates will depend on various factors coming together over the next year, here’s our best estimate:

March 2022: Begin drafting the WIND-PSC protocol with expert researchers. Begin pursuing data sharing agreements

2024: Begin contracting with individual sites and begin enrolling PSC patients at participating research centers

2025: Complete contracting with up to 20 sites.

2026: Complete enrollment of 2,000 patients into WIND-PSC

2028: Begin interim analyses and begin using data to support drug development

2031: Complete 5 year follow-up and pursue additional directions for WIND-PSC

2031 +: Expand and leverage WIND-PSC to address additional needs of the PSC community

WHAT Can I Do To Support WIND-PSC?


Do you have questions for PSC Partners? Want some more information? Please reach out to us at


Excited to join the registry and hear more about the WIND-PSC cohort? We’d love to hear from you on social media: tag us and use the hashtag #WIND-PSC. Also, please share information about WIND-PSC, including a link to this webpage, with your care team. Be on the lookout for more information explaining how PSC Partners plans to bring additional clinicians and researchers into the conversation at this year’s conference.

Together in the fight, whatever it takes!

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