Working together to provide research, education, and support for people affected by Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
April 29 - May 1, 2011
Sheraton Grand Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
We'd like to thank the physicians at the UC Davis School of Medicine, especially Dr. Christopher L. Bowlus and his colleagues, who have worked closely with us in planning the conference. Many thanks as well to all our wonderful speakers who have broadened our perspectives and understanding of PSC. We are also indebted to our conference sponsors:
Platinum level sponsors
Gold level sponsors
Don and Ricky Safer
Silver level sponsors
Stephen and Joanne Hatchett
Ken and Patty Shepherd
Jeff and Reggie Belmont
Jason and Jennifer Drasner
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of California Davis
Global Treatment Options
Bronze level sponsors
Jennifer Soloway and Mark Stivers
Peter Holmgren Family
We also thank all those members of the PSC support group, and their family, friends and caregivers, who have generously donated their time and funds to the PSC Partners Seeking a Cure foundation.
PSC Partners Seeking a Cure is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit foundation that endeavors to find a cure for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Please see the details of our 2011 patient education conference by viewing the PowerPoint presentations which are posted here. Summaries of the breakout sessions will be available in our post-conference newsletter edition. For more information about PSC Partners Seeking a Cure, go to www.pscpartners.org and click on “Join our Mailing List” button to receive news and information.
Photograph acknowledgements to Karen Pearlman, (K Pearlman Photography) and Arne Myrabo.
Note to Readers:
PSC Partners does not provide specific medical advice, is not engaged in providing medical or professional services and does not endorse any medical or professional service obtained through information provided in this presentation. Use of this presentation does not replace medical consultations with a qualified health or medical professional to meet the health and medical needs of you or a loved one.
A complete listing of the conference photographs by Karen Pearlman is available at kpearlmanphotography.com.
FRIDAY April 29, Pre-conference Event (click to see photos)
Informal brunch at the State Capitol Building:
Optional Afternoon Activities
Healthy Living Perspectives: Nutrition, Exercise and Alternative Therapies Introduction
Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD
Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Research Specialist, University of California San Francisco -
The Value of Eating Organically: Shawn Harrison, Executive Director of Soil Born Farms
Karen Klussendorf: Yoga - stress relief and relaxation
Kinetics for PSCers: Exercise Considerations for People with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Julianne Vasichek & Cameron Wohl
Organic Cooking Demonstration: Patrick Mulvaney of award-winning Sacramento Mulvaney’s B & L Restaurant
Hints for Gluten Free Eating by Melanie Weir of Gluten Free Specialty Store, and others
Welcome Reception:
SATURDAY April 30, Day 1 (click to see presentation/enlarged photo)
Buffet Breakfast
Carlo Selmi, MD, PhD, Moderator - Department of Translational Medicine, University of Milan Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology University of California Davis
[Copyright Christopher L. Bowlus, all rights reserved, 758KB].
Christopher L. Bowlus, MD - Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of California Davis -
Presentation 2: "Urso – Pro vs Con "
Pro [Copyright Gideon Hirschfield, all rights reserved, 1345KB]
Gideon Hirschfield, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Staff Hepatologist, Liver Centre, Toronto Western HospitalCon [Copyright Marion Peters, all rights reserved, 201KB]
Marion Peters, MD Professor of Medicine, Chief of Hepatology Research, Division of Gastroenterology, University of California San Francisco -
[Copyright Natalie Torok, all rights reserved, 246 KB].
Natalie Torok, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of California Davis -
Questions and Answers Panel: Drs. Selmi, Bowlus, Hirschfield, Peters and Torok
SESSION II Christopher L. Bowlus, MD, Moderator
David Rhodes, PhD, Purdue University Chair, PSC Partners Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee
Stephen Miller, MD, PSC Partners Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee -
[Copyright Eric Gershwin all rights reserved, 1719KB].
Eric Gershwin, MD, Distinguished Professor of Medicine, The Jack and Donald Chia Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, University of California Davis -
[Copyright Espen Melum all rights reserved, 1683KB].
Espen Melum, MD, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Norwegian PSC Research Center Clinic for Specialized Medicine and Surgery Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet -
Questions and Answers Panel: Drs. Bowlus, Rhodes, Miller, Gershwin and Melum
Breakout Sessions - Session I:
[Copyright Sooraj Tejaswi all rights reserved, 5390KB]
Sooraj Tejaswi, MD, MSPH Assistant Clinical Professor Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of California Davis -
[Copyright Maurizio Bonacini all rights reserved, 1765KB]
Maurizio Bonacini, MD Department of Liver Disease Management and Transplant California Pacific Medical Center Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine University of California San Francisco -
[Copyright Christopher L Bowlus, all rights reserved, 35KB]
Christopher L. Bowlus, MD, University of California Davis -
[Copyright James Ostroff all rights reserved, 7631KB]
James Ostroff, MD, FAGA Lynne & Marc Benioff Endowed Chair Kenneth Rainin Distinguished Professor Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Radiology Director Endoscopy Unit and GI Consultation Service University of California San Francisco -
"Special Topics for Post-Transplant PSCers"
Aubrey Goldstein, MD PSC Post-Transplant Patient PSC Partners Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee
[Copyright Russell Michel all rights reserved, 366KB]
Russell Michel, Executive Chef, Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento Winner, 2010 Sacramento Celebrity Chef Challenge Fox 40 Live “Ask a Chef -
[Copyright John McVicar all rights reserved, 2955KB]
John McVicar, MD Professor, Department of Surgery University of California Davis School of Medicine
Breakout Sessions - Session II:
[Copyright Sooraj Tejaswi all rights reserved, 5390KB]
Sooraj Tejaswi, MD, MSPH Assistant Clinical Professor Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of California Davis -
[Copyright Philip Burke all rights reserved, 252KB]
Philip Burke, PhD, PSC Patient and Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Southern Illinois University at Carbondale -
[Copyright Philip Rosenthal all rights reserved, 1054KB]
Philip Rosenthal, MD Professor of Pediatrics & Surgery Medical Director, Pediatric Liver Transplant Program Director, Pediatric Hepatology University of California San Francisco -
"An Overview of Disability Law"
Becky Long, PSC Partners Board Member and Legal Counsel
[Copyright Carlo Selmi all rights reserved, 793KB]
Carlo Selmi, MD, PhD University of Milan and University of California Davis -
"Practical Considerations Before Transplant Panel of Post-Transplant PSC Patients and Caregivers"
Moderator: Joanne Grieme Panelists: David Abbinanti, Alison Collins, Jo-Ann Collins, Tom Butler
Breakout Sessions - Session III:
"Caregivers: Helping Us Help Others Panel of PSC Caregivers"
Moderator: Mike Pearlman Panelists: Joanne Grieme, Eve Jedrzejewska, Scott Malat, Karen Pearlman, Caroline Vanneste
[Copyright Bowlus, Selmi, Hirschfield, Melum and Zern - all rights reserved, 2650KB]
Drs. Bowlus, Selmi, Hirschfield, Melum and Zern. Mark A. Zern, MD Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Director Transplant Research Institute, University of California Davis -
[Copyright Charles Stephensen all rights reserved, 1642 KB]
Charles Stephensen, PhD, Adjunct Professor Department of Nutrition, University of California Davis USDA ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center Scientist -
"Special Topics for 20s/30s PSCers"
Valentina Medici, MD Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of California Davis, Drew Ingram, MD Fellow, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of California Davis
[Copyright Christina Allman all rights reserved, 1335KB]
Christina Allman Financial Coordinator Supervisor, Transplant Program University of California Davis
Wrap-up, Don and Ricky Safer

Banquet Dinner
Continental Breakfast
- Breakout sessions:
- College Age PSCers and Teenaged PSCers
- Female PSCers in their 20s/30s
- Male PSCers in their 20s/30s
- Female PSCers
- Male PSCers
- Post-Transplant PSCers
- Parents of Pediatric PSCers
- Parents of Adult PSCers
- Spouses/Caregivers of PSCers
- Siblings & Other Caregivers of PSCers
Closing Remarks - Ricky Safer, PSC Partners Seeking a Cure
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