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2024 Annual PSC Partners Conference Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at the 2024 Annual PSC Partners Conference?

You can expect important conversations, exciting research updates, and renewed connections with the PSC community. Click HERE to view a draft of the Conference agenda.

Who should attend the Conference?

PSC Patients, Caregivers, Parents, Family Members, Friends, Researchers, Clinicians, Industry Representatives

Attendees must be 13-years-of-age or older. Due to the serious nature of some of the Conference presentations and conversations, there is no exception to this rule, including babies. 

Do I need to register for the Conference?

YES. Registration will be open soon. Walk-ins are not allowed. If you are unable to attend, watch our website and YouTube channel for recordings of some of the sessions. 

What do my Conference fees go towards?

Your total Conference fee (100%) goes towards the cost of the Conference. We try to keep our registration fees as low as possible. Please note that PSC Partners Seeking a Cure and our generous Conference sponsors subsidize a significant portion of your Conference costs. This year's registration fee covers 1/3 of the actual cost of your attendance. Your personal transportation and hotel costs are not covered in the fee, but we have negotiated discounted rates for lodging.

Will patients/caregivers have a chance to talk with PSC experts?

YES. Not only will there be time for post-presentation questions, we also have events and free time throughout the weekend where engagement is encouraged. 

Are international folks invited to the Conference?

YES. As always, we encourage folks from all over the world to attend our Conference. We hope to have a large international contingent! The Conference will be in English.

Are you asking people to sign up as Mentors?

YES. If you’ve attended at least one Conference, please sign up to be a Mentor. If you would like a Mentor, you can request that, as well. There is a spot on the registration form. We will have opportunities for Mentors and Mentees to connect during the Conference. Click here to learn more about our Mentor Program.

Will there be time to socialize, say hello to old friends, and meet new folks?

YES. During the weekend, we have set aside times for peer-to-peer conversation. Additionally, there will be fun social events, including the Saturday evening gala, as well as lots of free time to mingle with others.

What is the theme of the Saturday Evening Gala?

This year's theme is Roaring 20s, in recognition of our 20th Anniversary of the Annual Conference. While costumes are not required, they are highly encouraged. Some folks choose to stay lowkey when choosing an outfit while others go all out! Your chosen attire is completely up to you, but plan to have a rip-roaring fun time! 

Is the Conference appropriate (and fun) for teens?

YES! It’s vital for young PSC patients to spend time with others around their same age. Often, the PSC Partners Conference is the first place these kids have met someone else with their rare disease, and the value of spending time with others who truly understand is immeasurable. Siblings and other teenage family members also find the gatherings fun and supportive.

At the Conference, we offer options specifically for this important group of attendees, including:

  • A designated teen lounge (monitored by young adult mentors) where they can rest, relax, chat, recharge, snack, and have fun
  • Social events scheduled just for them
  • Supportive peer group sessions and mentors

If your teen is reserved or shy, no problem! Teens and young adults who have been to PSC Partners functions in the past will engage with newcomers to ensure everyone feels welcome and included. Additionally, if teens are interested in any of the educational sessions, they are welcome to attend. Remember that Conference attendees must be aged 13 and over.

What is the dress code?

There is no set dress code for the Conference. Most attendees wear jeans or slacks. Because conditions can vary due to air conditioning, a sweater or sweatshirt is strongly advised. Meals will be outside, and it will be warm. So, it's important to prepare for that, as well. The theme of the Saturday evening gala is Roaring 20s, and costumes are encouraged, but not required. 

What happens if I don't have enough energy to make it through a whole day?

Nobody understands being tired and worn out quite like the PSC community. There is no penalty for missing a lecture and no problem if you need to be excused during one. As long as you don’t create a disruption for the speaker or those who are enjoying the presentations, you can enter and leave the rooms as needed.

Do I have to attend the entire Conference?

NO. While we hope folks will come to most, if not all, of the sessions and events, we know that isn’t always possible. However, Conference fees will not be prorated for partial attendance.

Will the Conference be too much for me emotionally?

Conference topics sometimes cover sensitive issues and can be overwhelming. With that in mind, we strive to make our weekends balanced and temper the seriousness with lots of time to bond, ask questions, relax, and even laugh together. We’ve been told time and time again that attendees leave with a much more positive attitude about life with PSC. Additionally, attendees usually meet lifelong friends and establish an extra support system to boot!

Can my dietary needs be accommodated?

When planning our menus, we do our best to provide meal options that meet the needs of PSC and IBD patients. On the registration form, we offer vegetarian, gluten free, and low fiber options. 

Must I stay at the recommended hotel?

You may stay wherever you choose. However, most PSC patients and caregivers prefer to stay at the recommended hotel in order to remain close to the activities and to further communicate and socialize with other attendees. Check the Conference page of our website for hotel information.

Do I need to rent a car?

NO. The Conference venue, Arizona Grand Resort, is a 15 minute drive from the Phoenix, Arizona, Sky Harbor airport. Public transportation is readily available. We have blocks of rooms available at this resort, and it is easy to walk from the guest area to the meeting rooms. The Conference fee does not cover the cost of public transportation. 

Are there any hidden charges once I arrive?

There are NO hidden charges once you arrive. There will be an opportunity to purchase PSC Partners’ merchandise, but no other funds are required to attend the Conference once your registration and hotel room fees have been paid. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available for all Conference meals. Alcoholic beverages, while available at the hotel or event location, are not included in the registration fee. Each year, we provide a venue for a pre-Conference meet and greet dinner on the night before the Conference officially begins. Fees for this event are paid by each attendee who chooses to attend.

Will the Conference be recorded?

YES. Presentations will be recorded and posted on our website and YouTube channel. Peer sessions and social events will not be recorded. 

Click here to view the 2024 PSC Partners Conference Policies.

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